Nasty cut - the story behind it...
A friend of mine asked me if i can help him with a retrofit on his boss car... i said ok let's do this:). In the past i have done a lot of retrofits on headlights so i was pretty confident on myself regarding this task, but this one had something in particular: one of the fenders was the original one and the other one aftermarket (the shape was slightly different - the car it's an audi a4 b5).
Basically i had to cut a lip from one fender to be able to install the new headlights and do the electrical part for both's sides (the aftermarket headlights had different kind of connectors). I know it's sounds easy to cut a lip from a fender and roll it to accept the new headlight but one moment of negligence it's enough to screw you over...
Basically i had to cut a lip from one fender to be able to install the new headlights and do the electrical part for both's sides (the aftermarket headlights had different kind of connectors). I know it's sounds easy to cut a lip from a fender and roll it to accept the new headlight but one moment of negligence it's enough to screw you over...
The first step was to remove the headlights from the car, this step was easy to do because the construction of the original headlights - they are made from 2 parts: one part it's the turn signal and the other one with the positions (low/high beam). The aftermarket headlights are from one piece so i had to take out the front bumper because i had to make a bracket so i would be able to mount them on the car. So far so good...
Next step was to use masking tape around the lip from the fender and cut it using my dremel tool (it's a really a good tool if you don't have one maybe you will consider getting one ). With a pair of pliers i've started to bend inwards the sheet metal from the fender so the gaps around the headlight / fender will be ok. At this step i manage to mess it up... and get this nasty cut. Immediately i've applied pressure on the cut and went inside the house to wash my hands and use some medicinal products to clean the cut. Using rubbing alcohol on a cut like this it's not a pleasant feeling but necessary, after this i've used hydrogen peroxide which stopped the bleeding. The last part was to use neomycin (i've asked google for the equivalent in other places) and bandages and get back to work...because i had to finish this project.
After a few hours from the accident i was able to complete this project , i wont enter in details about the electrical part or the other aspects of this retrofit because this post it's not about how to make this retrofit but a short story of my nasty cut.
Below there are some photos from this project , with this occasion i would like to thanks my friend for documenting this retrofit, and with some luck this will be the last time when i'll post something like this.
Thanks for reading.