Shoe Rack
An easy project that anyone can do in one weekend with proper tools. For this project i went with a metal frame and the shelves are made from particle board (osb).On the osb i've glued linoleum using contact cement, the trick with contact cement is to apply it on both surfaces and after it dries to touch stick both pieces together using a roller to apply some pressure.
I have made this shoe rack to organize the shoes and slippers for our kitchen, for the frame i used two kind of metals: one rectangular profile 20x20x1.5 mm and the second one angle profile 20x20x1.5 mm. Except the dimensions of the materials used i won't give other dimensions because this build it's made to fit in one certain place from our kitchen.
While the contact cement was drying i've cut the metal profiles and weld them accordingly with the dimensions that i've taken before starting the project. After the metal frame was ready i've cleaned it using some sandpaper and some paint thinner. Next step was painting the frame and leave it to dry over night.
On the second day i've used my table saw to trim the osb pieces to size (because i have used over sized pieces - leftovers from another project) and bring the rack inside the house.
You can see the final result in the video bellow :)
Thanks for reading / watching.